event info
  • calendar_todayFriday Sept. 20, 2024
  • schedule7:30 p.m. -> 11:59 p.m.
  • wc6/20 spots available
  • euro_symbol20.00
  • buildYAD NL
  • English spoken

Concert Hall Orchestra including intercompany drinks

oin Us for the 3rd Annual Concertgebouworkest Event! 

We’re excited to announce that on Friday, September 20, 2024, Young Ahold Delhaize is once again part of a remarkable tradition! For the third year in a row, as part of the Entrée initiative, we have the exclusive opportunity to fill the entire Grote Zaal with young professionals up to 35 years old. 

This year, the world-renowned Concertgebouworkest will perform Mahler’s First Symphony under the direction of 28-year-old superstar conductor Klaus Mäkelä. It’s set to be an unforgettable evening of breathtaking music! 

And that’s not all—after the concert, we’ll keep the night alive with an afterparty in various rooms within the Concertgebouw. It's the perfect chance to connect, dance, and celebrate with your peers. 

Don’t miss out on this event—join us for an evening of outstanding music and vibrant socializing! 
