Young @ Mega

Young @ Mega

Bine ai venit în comunitatea Young @ Mega!

Exact, gașca cu ambiție, căreia nu îi este teamă să își împărtășească ideile, gașca care face ca distracția și jobul să meargă perfect laolaltă. Este gașca de „visători” care își doresc să acumuleze experiența cu entuziasm, care își urmează pasiunea și își îndeplinesc obiectivele. Timpul lor este acum, iar locul lor este acolo unde ceva bun se întâlnește și se construiește cu empatie și minte deschisă. Credem în generația Z. Credem în tinerii din Mega Image. Credem în tine, cel care îți desfășoară activitatea în magazine, depozite sau Sediul Central. Credem în idealurile și ambițiile tale. De aceea, vrem să îți oferim recunoașterea și dezvoltarea de care ai nevoie. Promitem că o sa fie mișto! Echipa Young @ Mega

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Andrei Călin

I'm part of Mega Image since 2021. From my function I help the team from Mihai Viteazul Cluj Store and helping customers in making the best decision for themselves. I'm part of Young@Mega project with hope that from any place you are, by attending this project you'll be able to max your potential. Besides my activity at Mega, you can certainly find me volunteering at some event or bringing smiles and happiness to the kids from the local adoption centers through the Ajungem Mari project.

Bianca Mihaela

Hi, my name is Bianca, I am 25 years old and I currently am part of Human Resources Department of Mega Image. That being said I joined Mega Image team this April and since then I had the opportunity to meet a great work environment and even greater people. Mega Image gave me the opportunity to become a member of that beautiful comunity that we call Young@Mega and I gladly embrace it because I think that throughout it we can bring more joy and opportunities to our young employees.


Hello everyone, I am Madalina, one of the members of the board of Young@Mega. I joined Mega Image in March 2021 and since then I am working in Sustainability team. Through this Young@Mega team I get the chance to see the best in me and to know the other youngsters that I would never have met at the office and to make new friends. Become a member of this fantastic Young team and let’s get fun together!


I am Sebi, I'm 25 years old, living Bucharest. I have been working within the Mega-Image HR team since one-and-a-half years. My work is largely focused on the continuous development of capabilities of our colleagues. In my spare time I love to go out dancing and spending time with my friends walking or seeing new places and also spending time with my dog. I am excited to be a part of Young@Mega board team and looking forward to get involved in as many projects or initiatives regarding the young generation in Mega-Image and Ahold Delhaize.